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Tony and Radar 

 Radar, a Labrador, is specifically trained to smell Tony's dropping or low blood sugars and alarm him and his family members...

.....The problem was that Radar is trained to be extremely  sensitive to prevent missing deadly low blood sugars. Frequently, the dog falsely alarmed the entire family, very often  in the middle of the night. 

Now, 10  years after his islet transplant, Tony remains insulin free and Radar is still an important member of the family. 

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2023 Oct, Islet Transplant Team celebrating with Tony 10 years of freedom from insulin

after only single islet transplantation


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2021 Oct, Islet Transplant Team celebrating with Tony, Mark and Mallory

their 8, 8 and 7.5 years insulin independence after only 1 islet transplantation


2019, Islet Team celebrating with Tony and his wife 

his 6 years insulin independence after only 1 islet transplantation


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