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February  2021

COVID-19 in hospitalized liver transplant recipients: an early review and meta-analysis- our most recent publication


SEPT 2023

The first stem cell-derived islet cell transplantation for patients with Type 1 Diabetes at the University of Chicago (VX-880)

The procedure was performed according to the multicenter center trial protocol (VX-880). Islets were manufactured from stem cells by Vertex and shipped to us on the day of the transplant. They were infused into the patient liver under local anesthesia in the interventional radiology suite. Patient still requires taking daily anti-rejection medication. In contrast to the islets isolated from decease donor pancreas, stem cell -derived islets are available in unlimited amount and the procedure can be scheduled at patient convenience. If proven safe and effective, it can offered to any patient with T1DM who already received other organ transplantation (heart, kidney, liver, or lungs) or to those patients who remain “brittle” despite using modern glucose monitoring and insulin delivery technology. To read more and about the enrollment go to here


Additionally, we have just opened enrollment to another clinical trial, which does not require use of anti-rejection medications. Immnoprotective pouches containing stem cell-derived islets are surgically implanted behind muscles o the abdomen.

To read more about the study and enrollment go to here

Both studies allow only adults to be enrolled.

January  2021

Preliminary results from Sernova Cell Such study presented during Winter ASTS

press release

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February  2021

COVID-19 in hospitalized liver transplant recipients: an early review and meta-analysis- our most recent publication


Nov 2022

Enrollment for the second cohort of patients for testing of the bigger Sernova Pouches has been initiated. 

After completion of the study in the first cohort of patients, new, bigger Sernova Pouches have been developed and implanted in two new patients. The second cohort will include 7 subjects in total.

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February  2021

COVID-19 in hospitalized liver transplant recipients: an early review and meta-analysis- our most recent publication


January  2021

Preliminary results from Sernova Cell Such study presented during Winter ASTS

press release

January  2021

Preliminary results from Sernova Cell Such study presented during Winter ASTS

press release

June 2022

First patient off insulin after stem cell derived islet cell transplantation.

Presentation during the Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association

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November  2021

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December  2020 

Next patient received an islet transplantation

in the Sernova Pouch study 

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Nov 2020 

Two manuscript accepted for the publication in the Am J Transplantation

  • The demise of islet allotransplantation in the US: A call for urgent regulatory update. The "Islets for US" Collaborative

  • Neither amyloid depositions nor hepatic steatosis are associated with marginal islet mass early after autotransplantation

Two abstracts accepted for ASTS Winter Symposium 2021

  • Islet Allotransplantation Into Pre-Vascularized Sernova Cell PouchTM - Preliminary Results From The University of Chicago.                                                        Press release

  • Anterior Rectus Sheath Versus Gibson Incision For Kidney Transplantation -Preliminary Experience.

April  2020 

Two our manuscripts accepted for the publication

one to Journal of Cell Transplantation and a second one to Journal of Pancreatology- strong work team!

January  2020 

Another islet transplantation in the Sernova Pouch study 

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December 3rd, 2019

Visitors from Medical University of Poznan in Poland 

Three transplant surgeons led by Prof. Marek Karczewski MD PhD came for an intense training to establish a new pancreatic islet transplantation program in Poland. 

Sept 3rd, 2019

4th Islet Transplantation at Medical University of Gdansk in Poland!

This is the 4rd pancreatic islet transplant in a patient with  a kidney graft and poorly controlled type 1 diabetes, but the first one, where donor pancreas was procured in a distant city.

Congratulation Team Gdansk, great progress of the program.

Aug 27th, 2019

Transplanting islet cells can fix brittle diabetes.

Why isn’t it available in the U.S.?

Dr. Camilo Ricordi points out regulatory barriers introduced by FDA, which leads to the extinction of islet transplantation in the US, while the rest of the world benefits from islet trials funded by US tax payers, due to less restrictive regulations.  

May 16th, 2019

First results of Islet Transplantation at Medical University of Gdansk in Poland were presented  

during the 20th Congress of Polish Diabetes Society, Lublin, Poland. May 16-18.

May 9th, 2019

3rd Islet Transplantation at Medical University of Gdansk in Poland!

This is the 3rd pancreatic islet transplant in a patient with       a previous kidney transplant and poorly controlled type 1 diabetes, but the first one performed without our direct participation. Team Gdansk completed the procedure without complications. Congratulation. 

April 19th, 2019

We have 5 abstracts accepted for oral presentation

Congress of the International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Association takes place every 2 years,

this year it is in Lyon, France on July 2nd-5th, 2019. 

April 5, 2019

First patient in our new study has just received islet transplant  into the Sernova Cell Pouch.

Pancreatic islets were infused into the Cell Pouch previously implanted into abdominal wall of our first patient. Patient is recovering very well while islet are engrafting . 

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March 18, 2019

Karolina carried out a second islet transplant in Gdansk, Poland.

Dr. Karolina Golab, our Lab Manager, flew to Poland for a second time to help to carry out an islet transplant procedure already in the second patient in Gdansk. We have been helping to develop that new and currently the only Islet Transplant Center in that country. She also went there and successfully isolated the islets during the first islet transplant in October of last year. 


Jan 5, 2019

Great beginning of the New Year!

Congratulation to Dr. Golebiewska and the team. 

Our manuscript has been just accepted for the publication in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery.

Dec 31th, 2018 

This year we published 10 articles, 4 more than last!  

Thank you TEAM for your efforts and hard work.

Let's celebrate.

Oct 27, 2018 

FIRST Pancreatic Islet Transplantion performed

at Medical University of Gdansk in Poland

after 7 years of close collaboration!  

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Oct 18, 2018 

Sernova Islet Transplant Clinical Study

Enrollment has started !

Study Initiation Visit took place on October 18th. 

Oct, 2018 

 "C4"- as explosives, should shake transplant community to bring new idea and solutions for especially challenging problems. This is a new type of articles in the American Journal of Transplantation. We proudly contributed to the first article of this type discussing optimization of organ allocation in the USA.  

Aug  10, 2018 

Our collaborators at Medical University of Gdansk in Poland  are ready for the first clinical islet transplantation. 

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May 10, 2018 

Learn more

IRB and FDA approved

our new phase I/II clinical islet transplant study !

Jan 3, 2018 

Learn more

What an amazing last two months of the year 2017 !

Our 8 manuscripts were accepted for publication.

Dec 8, 2017

Congratulation Dr Justyna Golebiewska for publication in

the American Journal of Transplantation

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