Julia Solomina MD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2015-2017

Omid Savari MD
Postdoctoral Research
Fellow, 2012-2015
Julia came to us after her surgical training in Moscow, Russia. Currently, she is a general surgery resident at Allegheny Hospital, Pittsburg , PA.
Omid came for research training from Iran.
Currently, he is a pathology resident in Cleveland, OH

Randall Grose PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2015-2016

Ryosuke Misawa MD PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2010-2012
Randall came to us for training from Australia. Currently, he is back home and works as ACRF Research Fellow in South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) in Adelaide, Australia
Ryosuke came from Japan after his surgical training and PhD. Currently, he is general surgery resident at Sunny Downstate University, Brooklyn, NY,

Zehra Tekin MD
Postdoctoral Research
Fellow, 2014-2015

Xiao-JunWang MD PhD
Postdoctoral Research
Fellow, 2011-2013
Zehra, originally from Turkey, has already finished her medical residency in Queens, NY and started her fellowship in endocrinology in Cleveland Clinic, OH.
Xiao-Jun came for his research fellowship, he then went back to China to defend his PhD thesis and completed his surgical training. Currently, heworks as an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Military University Hospital, in China.

Evelyn Konsur MD,
Research Volunteer

Sabrina Matosz MD
Research Volunteer,
Evelyn is from Chicago, but obtained her medical training in Krakow, Poland. Currently, she is a Pediatrics resident in Cleveland, OH. but she has recently match for Fellowship in Immonology and Allergology at Rush University in Chicago, IL.
Congratulation Evelyn!
Sabrina, a native of Alabama, graduated from Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Poland. This year, she matched to a Internal Medicine residency at the University of Alabama. Congratulations Sabrina!

Natalie Fillman, MD
Research Administrator
Research Fellow
Mark is from Chicago and graduated from Jagiellonian Medical University in Krakow. He completed a 1 month surgical elective with us, followed by extensive training in clinical research as a volunteer. This year, Mark matched for a pediatric residency program at Layola University Medical Center in Chicago. Congratulation Mark!
Natalie was born and raised in Chicago, but she accomplished her medical training at Medical University ion Poznan in Poland. She was essential for the progress of own clinical research projects as administrator and a research fellow. Now, she decided to purse her career in business and administration with special interest in US health care system. .
Mark Kijek MD,
Research Volunteer

Monica Para, MD
Research Administrator
Filip Antic MD,
Research Volunteer
Filip is from Chicago but graduated from Medical University of Belgrad in Serbia.
Filip matched with an Internal Medicine Program in Bronx, NY. Congratulation Filip!
Monica was born and raised in Chicago too. She accomplished her medical training at Jagiellonian Medical University in Krakow in Poland.
This year, she matched into internal medicine in Tampa, FL. Congratulation Monica!

Kamil Cieply MD,
Research Volunteer
Kamil is from Chicago but graduated from Medical University of Lublin in Poland
Kamil matched with Family Medicine Program in Michigan State University, MI.
Congratulation Kamil!