and her family
Stacy lost some islets after her first transplant due to rejection but she fully recovered after her second transplant in 2014 and has been off insulin for over last 10 years.
July 4th, 2014
Just wanted to share, that despite rejection set back, I am thankful for my islet cell transplant and look forward to my second transplant this fall. Now, I require only half of insulin I used to take.
Over the past three months I have been able to (for the first time I can remember):
~ go hiking with my family for 2 hours, without stopping to check blood sugar, without the fear of a low blood sugar, or packing juice boxes and
snacks for myself!
~ eat 2 pieces of Papa Johns pizza and have no postprandial spike (blood sugar was 112 2 hours after!)
~ downsize my purse in general, no longer juice boxes in tow
~ put my three young children first - always, and focus on them rather than a constant fear in the back of my mind of passing out.
Probably most importantly and noticeable to myself, family and friends is the improvement in my independence (I was reminded of this by a
friend today in honor of Independence Day).
Since April 4, when I had the transplant, I have not had a single hypoglycemic episode...which was unfortunately a normal event for our
My quality of life, and the quality of life of those who support me, has drastically improved. An example of this being that my husband
no longer calls multiple times a day from work to check on me; and if I am busy and don't answer, he would send a neighbor my way.
The past two weeks have been unexpected and not pleasant, but at the end I still stand by the decision we made to transplant. I would do it again to have freedom this Independence Day (and hopes of next July 4, being independent of insulin!!!).
Thanks for your time and concentration on this research!
Stacy with family
...FYI at the 5 year mark we do plan on throwing the last pod I ever wore away. It hangs out in my purse for sentimental reasons since the day I removed it after transplant! ...
...and today as promised, Stacy gave me her old Ominipod, she has been carring in her purse for the last 5 years. only for sentimental reasons .
Now, she is not only insulin free but also Omnipod free :).